Financial Sites
- Current Exchange RatesThis link will help you chart the dollar against any foreign currency
- Mortgage, Bank, Lending, and Interest RatesThis site will give you the most up-to-date information on constantly fluctuating rates
- Money Magazine
Check stock quotes, and track the day’s financial news
- MSN Money
- Market Watch by Dow Jones
- Travelex - Foreign Exchange
Government Sites
- Social Security AdministrationSocial Security Administration administers retirement, medicare, disability and other benefits
- U.S. Small Business AssociationPrograms and services to help you start, grow and succeed
- U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Department of Commerce
- Federal Citizen Information Center
- Iowa Department of Revenue
- Illinois Department of Revenue
- Pay Iowa Taxes
- Pay IllinoisTaxes
Tax Information Sites
Miscellaneous Sites
- New York TimesA good source for national and world news
- Consumer World
- ABC’s of Real EstateThis form is used to determine federal income tax withholding
- YodleeYodlee is an aggregator of your bank accounts, reward programs, and a lot more. View all your accounts and your financial portfolio all in one place